Hullo, bookdragons!

This wrap-up is one day late (I usually post my wrap-ups one day into the new month) because I’ve been drowning in school and sleeping seems really interesting nowadays (who am I really). February wasn’t my best month considering that my anxiety took the front seat with all my worries about researches, college examination results, and scholarships. COLLEGE IS GIVING ME LOTS OF HEADACHES. The school year is almost over but I still don’t have any concrete plans. Oh and the entrance examination results for my top university choice will be posted this month and I’m nowhere ready to receive news of failure. I will just sob right here in the corner while hugging all my books for strength. 


Let’s get this wrap-up started before I flood the world with my tears:


My children are the highlights of last month tbh. I read six books in February which is a smol number but I don’t blame myself for this. IT’S FEBRUARY’S FAULT. How can 28 days be enough??? This ain’t it, chum. February needs to borrow more days from January because that month lasted 72 years. Just saying.

February may not have been the best in general BUT I’VE READ THE BEST BOOKS IN THOSE 28 DAYS THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I’ve only realized that all the books I’ve read last month were all five-star reads. What can I say? The world blessed me with greatness and I’m a dragon who’s easy to please 💁

Here are the books I read in February:

1. The Cruel Prince by Holly Black 

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Rating: ★★★★★

A reread that was just as thrilling as the last. Things became clearer this time and I realized just how astounding Holly Black’s foreshadowing is. She really planted some seeds that I didn’t notice the first time. HOW MUCH OF A GENIUS CAN SHE REALLY BE??? Read my review here.

2. ‎The Wicked King by Holly Black 


Rating: ★★★★★

Devoured it in a day. If I could’ve read it while I took a bath, I would’ve. It was THAT gripping. This was every bit as wicked as the title promised. Stabby, perfect and absolutely deadly. The Wicked King ENDED ME. Read my review here.

3. ‎The Shadow Glass by Rin Chupeco 


Rating: ★★★★★

Someone’s trash for this series and that someone is me. This is a perfect conclusion to a series I’ve come to love and adore. This tied up all the loose strings and dropped bombs of revelation that punched my poor heart. The Shadow Glass comes out on March 5th. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND PICK UP THIS SERIES ASAP. Read my review here.

4. ‎The Missing of Clairedelune by Christelle Dabos (translated by Hildegarde Serle) 


Rating: ★★★★★

I’ve got so much love for this sequel (and this series). Seriously, this is a hidden gem y’all are missing out on. It has A+ world-building, the most unique characters you’ll ever know, and a complex plot that will keep you hooked to the last page. Can’t recommend it enough. This dragon is an absolute trash for it. Read my Goodreads review here. Full review on the blog will be posted closer to the publication date.

5. ‎Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff 


Rating: ★★★★★

WHY DID NO ONE WARN ME ABOUT HOW PAINFUL THIS READING EXPERIENCE WAS GOING TO BE??? The audiobook is perfect and I loved the banter and the pacing. Surprisingly funny and unexpectedly painful. Definitely a new sci-fi favorite. Read my review here.

6. ‎King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo 


Rating: ★★★★★


Receiving this book after A MONTH of shipping made me weep. It’s my most-anticipated book of the year and it looks so beautiful and huggable and straight-up perfect. Thank you so much @SleepySamReads for gifting me this book!

Will never stop screaming about King of Scars. Just read my full review here or else I won’t be able to stop myself from fangirling again.



My blog is nearing its first anniversary and I’M SO EXCITED. It’s gonna turn one on May! I hope I can redesign my son in time for its anniversary. Wish me luck.

Nothing big really happened with the blog this month but I’m still a happy bean because I’m finally getting so much better at blog hopping! The Discord servers I’m in really help with keeping up the engagement with other bloggers. I’m hoping to do better with blog hopping as I go along the year. Baby steps, chum. Baby steps.

tenor (5).gif

Here are some blog posts I enjoyed reading last month:

Cait @paperfury shared some great bookstagram hacks that will help bookstagrammers out there who are on a low budget. Let me also put it out here that Cait is one of the best bookstagrammers out there and is such a supportive dragon so she’s really someone you can trust. LOVE HER TO DEATH.

• ‎Vicky @vickywhoreads recommends Adult SFF books by female writers AND IT’S A GOLD MINE. We really need more adult SFF books and she mentions a lot of them that are worthy of all your love and attention.

• ‎Clo @bookdragons247 talks about guest posts and collaborations which is a huge help to all of us! Clo is also one of the bloggers you would want to team up with. This dragon sister has a well of ideas that will never cease to amaze me.

• ‎Kaleena @ readervoracious reviewed The Fever King by Victoria Lee where she highly recommends it to all of us. I’m looking forward to this diverse YA sci-fi book AAAHHH

‎Kat @novelsandwaffles gives us tips that will help you choose an awesome blog name. This is a really insightful post especially for those who wish to put up their own blogs but do not know what to call them.

I also published posts in February that I’m very proud of. In case you missed them, here are my posts from last month:










There ‘ya go! My February wasn’t all that bad because this blog + my books give me life. I know March isn’t going to be easy for me but a dragon keeps on breathing fire, right?

I hope you all had a great February! Cheers to a better March 🍻


How did your February go? Did you read many good books? What are your favorite and/or least favorite reads of the month?


  1. This is such a great post and a solid idea! I love the recap concept. Also, those books all sound amazing, definitely adding them to my list! Thanks for sharing, and good luck with this month’s goals—hopefully anxiety will take a backseat this time around.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Febuary was also a great read for me, I read 10 books this month (in 2019 ), I still had not yet all those books you put down, but I do have them and they been giving me the side eyes.
    Happy upcoming Bloganniversary (spell that right?)


    1. Some say it’s called blogiversary but let’s just say we can call it anything we want 😂

      10 books are a lot. Congratulations! Hope you’re having a great March so far.


  3. “Clo is also one of the bloggers you would want to team up with. This dragon sister has a well of ideas that will never cease to amaze me.”

    *tackles you in a hug* I love chu sis thank you, my ideas also never cease to me either, I’m still waiting for when I run out. If that happens you’ll find me sobbing somewhere haha, also I’m sure you’ll get into the Uni you want to Rain. But hey, if you don’t don’t stress, it’s ok I didn’t get into my Sixth Form to do A Levels which had been my plan for erm…5 years? It ended up with me not getting in, and then I ended up on the graphic and digital design course I’m doing. Honestly, I’m glad I didn’t get in. But at the time, I was basically a sobbing mess because I didn’t know what I was gonna do. *hugs* and I’ll be here to throw fluffy blankets at you, books, all the love regardless of whether you get in or not because you work so hard sis and I’m so proud of you ❤


    1. THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH SIS. You always know how to make me feel better 😭

      I’m so proud of you too and I’m glad I met you in this life. So much love ❤💙💚💛💜


  4. I can relate to drowning in work and only wanting to sleep 😂 sounds like you had a good month for reading, I hope next month is just as good!


  5. Sounds like a 5* February in terms of books which is glorious!! I still need to get to the cruel prince and see what it is all about. Even though I am tempted to wait until the third is out so I can read them altogether and I have so many books on my shelf waiting 😂😂
    School is the worse for increased stress– I wish I had some brilliant tips to help but I don’t know how I got through exams. I think if you take moments to breathe and say it is going to be ok– also loads of chocolate!!
    Aww… so close to having a blog for one year— that’s amazing!! I am so glad I found your wonderful, dragon-filled blog!!
    I hope you have a great March!! 💛


    1. HERE FOR THE CHOCOLATES OF COURSE. The Cruel Prince really is great but it’s okay if you decide to read the series when it’s complete. Holly Black writes the most amazing endings that will make you beg for more. Now I’m screaming until I get the third book in my hands.

      Hope you have a great March! Thank you so much for the support 💙

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I re-read The Folk Of The Air series last month AND I LOVE JUDE DUARTE SO MUCH!??! ANd obviously Cardan (i am TRASH for his character)!! I’m so glad you liked King of Scars so much! I NEED MORE NINA ZENIK IN MY LIFE!! But my library has not got it yet so I’ll just sit and cry patiently. I hope you have a great March! ❤


    1. JUDE IS A QUEEN. I get the feeling of agony that comes with waiting and I hope you get to read KoS soon. Have a great March too 💖


    1. Ah I understand the post-TWK hangover. It makes us want MORE right?? KoS and Shadowglass are pure gems. Happy March too, Kait 😊💕


  7. it’s so awesome that the books you did get to read last month were great ones! quality over quantity 😉

    “I’ve been drowning in school and sleeping seems really interesting nowadays” has been my mood for most of this month, tbh 😅 wishing you all the best for college-y stuff, it’s definitely a super stressful time; and with your blog redesign too! 💕


  8. Looks like you had a wonderful reading month! Only 5 star books, that’s so cool. I’m so happy to hear you loved The Shadow Glass so much, I’m SO EXCITED to read it! I love this series so much ❤️


  9. I completely agree! February is too short. It’s rude!
    And wow, all 5 stars! That’s a miracle! I also read Illuminae and King of Scars this month, and I also adored them! I wasn’t ready for how much I started to love Zoya, hahah.

    And I’m sending you all the positive vibes, and I hope you feel less stressed in March. 💕


    1. Loving Zoya is something I never expected too! I didn’t really like her on the original trilogy but now I stan her so bad?? I admire her character development.

      Sending you all the good vibes for March too 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Glad you had a lot of amazing reads in February! But I’m sorry that school has been so stressful. I’m sure everything will work out at the end, though. I’m sending you positive vibes for your results and hopefully a less stressful March!
    And I’m happy you finally got around Illuminae. These books really are phenomenal! I finished the trilogy back in January, and I already miss these characters a lot. They’re so witty and fun!
    Wishing you a fantastic March! 😊


    1. Thank you so much! I just finished Gemina and I’M SO NERVOUS ABOUT OBSIDIO. Is it going to destroy me??? I love the characters so much too! They make me laugh a lot.

      Have a fantastic March 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  11. YAY for all five star reads in February! I haven’t finished the one book I started in Feb, but I’m hoping to soon. (Also I’m glad you’re finally reading the Illuminae Files, I cannot wait for all your thoughts on the series as a whole!)


    1. I hope you finished your book now and I’m wishing that you enjoyed it. I can’t wait to share my thoughts about Illuminae as a whole too! It’s a really good series.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Oh, yay for Illuminae!
    I read it with the audio parallel and i loved it. I may even say it enhanced the story and i’m not sure i would have liked it if i only read it.
    Got the next one now, and i’m gonna listen to it while i read cuz it’s just the best 🙂



    also /I agree February was too short and am convinced January stole some time from the month. But I was a giant ball of anxiety in Feb so it’s prob good it was short? Thanks so much for linking to my Fever King review, and PLEASE READ THIS BOOK

    Liked by 1 person

  14. IMO, even if you don’t read many books, as long as you love them, it was a fantastic reading month. (That was January for me)

    I’m a little late to the wrap-up party lmao … but February was so-so. School wasn’t as intense as usual (I’m so sorry school is crazy, I feel your scholarly pain). I read a ton of mangas (my speed reader friend kept giving them to me), so not many novels were finished. I AGREE, THO. WHY IS FEBRUARY SO SHORT?!

    Cheers to a better March.


    1. It’s okay not to read many books because MANGAS ARE GREAT. I haven’t read one in a while and I’m sobbing. February should loan more days from the rest of the year. Have a great March!

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