Hullo, bookdragons!

I can’t believe I can finally say this but… MY BLOG IS OFFICIALLY ONE YEAR OLD!


Okay, I had my first WordPress anniversary (the actual day I signed up) last January (I think) but I decided to celebrate my actual blog anniversary a year after I published my first blog post (May 19). To this day, WHY HUMANS SHOULD STOP CALLING US BOOKWORMS is still my most favorite post. It established my bookdragon brand™ and I just love it to death.

It took me too long to publish this post because school has ruled over my life and when I come home sleep calls to me. You can say that my productivity level for the past few weeks has been 1%. I HAVE SO MANY BOOKS TO READ BUT I DON’T EVEN HAVE THE TIME TO DO SO. I am: sad and devastated.

Anyway, let’s get back on track.

In my first year of blogging, I learned a lot of things from “you can’t have too many books” to “your wallet can bleed just as much as you do”. I’m so happy that I became a part of the book blogging world. I couldn’t have asked a more fitting community to take in my lazy bum.



• The blogging world is as supportive as my mom

First of all, I don’t think my mom reads my blog posts. I highly suspect that she does but she just doesn’t want to tell me because she knows I’ll go Hulk smashing on her (hi mom if you’re reading this but I hope you’re not).


The primary thing I learned in blogging is that there are a lot of people willing to support you without asking for anything in return. When I started, I didn’t really expect the outpour of love and support but here I am one year later, still getting the same support from the community I have learned to love so much. Interacting with other bloggers gave me the support system I needed. I wouldn’t have come so far if not for my blogging friends and my readers who keep on cheering me on.


• ‎Maintaining a constant presence on social media platforms is important

It’s no secret that Twitter is my favorite social media platform. It’s where I get the majority of my blog traffic and it’s where I started to get to know more bookdragons. Maintaining a healthy presence on social media helped in making my smol blog known across the vast book blogging community. Twitter may be a dumpster fire most of the time but it’s also where I stay up-to-date with bookish discourse. I have become aware with many important things I never knew before because of my constant interaction with other bloggers on Twitter.

Also, it’s where I unlocked my bookish wit. I really hope my tweets make bookdragons happy because OH KAREN IT’S DIFFICULT TO THINK OF FRESH CONTENT EVERYDAY. It’s not easy being a content creator, y’all. We deserve more chocolate and ice cream.


• It’s ‎okay to take a break

I have to admit that I didn’t believe this at first. I thought that taking a break meant lesser blog traffic so I really tried to post regularly even if it meant staying up all night writing and brainstorming. I eventually learned that TAKING A BREAK IS IMPORTANT. I’m a student blogger which is just as exhausting as it sounds. Aside from reading and blogging, I still have school to take care of which resulted to my irregular posting schedule and short bursts of absences in the blogging world. These absences gave me time to rest which did wonders for my mental health.

Taking a break gave me some breathing space and it took the pressure off my shoulders. If you’re new to blogging, please remember to rest if you have to. Sure, taking breaks results to lesser blog traffic but that’s normal. Just refrain from checking your stats regularly.


• ‎I should write for my audience

This is one of the first advices that I learned when I started and it still holds true even now. It’s important to write posts that can help your audience.

Yes, I sometimes talk about my life but I always make it a point to insert book recommendations or some helpful tips here and there so that people can still take something away from my post. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with posting content about your life but you need to remember that you won’t be able to hold your audience’s attention if you just keep on babbling about yourself #noshadejustfacts.


👆 important example


• ‎Tagging authors in negative book reviews is a hella no-no

If you’re new to book blogging, remember this: DO NOT, AND I CAN’T STRESS THIS ENOUGH, TAG AUTHORS IN NEGATIVE REVIEWS. I don’t even tag authors in 4-star reviews anymore. I believe that reviews are for readers. Authors pour their souls and bookdragon flames into their books and I don’t want to be the one who smothers that fire. Negative reviews are necessary but we can write them while still being respectful to authors.


• ‎Only post reviews for books I feel strongly about

I don’t post reviews for all the books I’ve read on my blog. I post all my reviews on goodreads but I only write full book reviews on the blog if I feel strong emotions for the book. I find it hard to write book reviews because the task feels more like a chore than anything else. It’s even more difficult to write a review for a book I don’t feel strongly about. It’s like being told to write an essay on the James Charles/Tati Westbrook/Jeffree Starr drama and only writing “I DON’T CARE” in all caps with Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber singing in the background.



• ‎Promoting diverse books (especially books written by Asian authors) is a fulfilling experience

It’s a pleasure to promote books through blogging but it’s even more fulfilling to shout about diverse books for all the world to hear. Without the blogging community, I wouldn’t have diversified my reading choices, discovered the books that represent me, found Filipino authors in the traditional publishing industry and read about Asian culture.

Shoutout to Rin Chupeco and Roshani Chokshi who continue to inspire me day by day. I’m so proud to call you my kababayans.


I’m so glad to share this blogging journey with y’all. I started this blog to share my love for books. Never did I expect to have 1k+ WordPress followers, 17k+ blog views, and 100+ posts. I wouldn’t have made it this far without all of you. I am so thankful and blessed. MY DRAGON HEART IS SO FULL OF LOVE AND GRATITUDE.

This has been a very amazing year and I’m looking forward to more years of shouting about books with all of you. I hope my rusty brain doesn’t run out of blogging ideas. THE BLOG REDESIGN IS ALSO COMING SOON. It’s taking so long but I swear it will be finished in 2 months or in a hundred years or so.



What’s the most important thing you learned because of blogging? Do bloggers inspire you?


  1. Amazing post and belated happy blogiversary Rain! I loved this post so much and your first post is my favorite of all time. The one thing I think I learned is reading and everything is as valid as any other famous hobby everyone has. I didn’t know much people who read or write and felt nervous to share that. Blogging has helped me overcome that (and I actually said I’m a proud bookdragon in front of 70 ppl ) . Happy reading and staying alive rain!


  2. Congrats!! And I really love this post. I can’t find another community as supportive as the one from book blogging, and I am in love with Twitter!! Twitter and the book community are why I love spending all my free time blogging and interacting with other bookdragons. Hope you had a great time celebrating your blog’s anniversary!!


  3. Congrats on your blogaversary!! Such an exciting milestone 🙂 The book community is so awesome and supportive and I’m glad it has been such a great year for you!


  4. those are some good tips! I never considered what you said that the reviews are about the author, maybe is a bit morbid but wouldn’t you as an author want to know what people are thinking? maybe not haha and less if it is something bad.
    You are so right about the social media part and write to your audience! that is something really important that I guess I am still struggling with! thank you for this post!!


    1. Well, constructive criticism is one thing and I’m sure some authors would like to know some concerns to improve but most authors like to stay well away of negative reviews and we need to respect that. So glad you loved this post!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You don’t know how much this means to me! Thank you for being one of the first people who supported me in this blogging journey. Will forever be thankful. So glad my posts make you smile 😭💕

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks so much for the post! This couldn’t have come at a better time as I my blog is only about a week old and I feel like I’ve been floundering a bit. Keep up the good work.😸


  6. Congrats! Your post is amazing, like always.

    I don’t actually tag authors to any of my reviews anymore. I agree with not posting every single book review in your blog. I tried doing that in the past and there just weren’t enough days in the week to post them all.


    1. AHHH SO GLAD THIS POST HELPED YOU. Take a break if you need it. Your creative fire will come out again soon. Will be cheering you on. Thank you so much for the support!


  7. Happy 1st bloggiversary– how exciting?!?! 🎉🎉 Congratulations– I hope you have loads of chocolate to celebrate!!
    And this has some great advice– I need to be more active on social media but it is great for keeping up for the latest book information and all the readers uniting and crying about their struggles– it’s a great place!! 😂
    And taking a break is SO important– it is just so much better for you and I always tell people to take a break when they need to!!
    Yes I am learning to only write reviews for books I feel really passionate about and I am starting to use goodreads much more!! So this is great advice!!
    And well done on all your achievements!! 💕


    1. AHHH I STILL NEED TO BUY MORE CHOCOLATES. You’re one of the greatest supporters of this blog and for that I’ll forever be thankful. You’ve made this community 1000x brighter!

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  8. Awwh, this was such a lovely post! I’m so glad you’ve had such a positive first year blogging. 😀 I completey agree that the book blogging community are so kind, welcoming and friendly. Everytime I open wordpress its like getting a big bookish group hug. 😀


  9. Awwww! Well done for toughing it out for a year! (Jk, jk, the book blogging community is a wonderful place to be ☁️)


  10. “It’s like being told to write an essay on the James Charles/Tati Westbrook/Jeffree Starr drama and only writing “I DON’T CARE” in all caps with Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber singing in the background.” I SCREAMED HAHAH THIS WAS SO FUNNY!!

    but onto the point, i agree with all of this!! i only tag authors in reviews if they’re COMPLETELY positive! otherwise, it just feels SO weird. and yes breaks!!! quality content>>>>>


  11. AAAAAAH HAPPY ONE YEAR SIS I LOVE YOU AND THIS BLOG SO SO MUCH! ❤ ❤ ❤ I adore your content and I probably don't hop over to your den as much as I should but when I do, I'm never disappointed ❤ Taking breaks is something I have finally (well starting to) come to terms with, I'm currently on hiatus and honestly it's the hardest thing ever. Taking a breather from blogging and my blog is so weird to me, but I also know it's what I need to be able to come back and start posting hopefully more quality content.

    (thank you for getting 'i don't care' stuck in my head but also same, I didn't and don't care about that drama)

    your twitter content is gold sis and I can't wait for us to bring back dragons discuss hehe ❤


    1. AAAHHH LET’S BRING BACK OUR BRANCHILD CLO! I’m just busy with graduation right now but will definitely message you soon. It’s ALWAYS a pleasure to collaborate with you.

      You’re my sistah and I will love ya forevah. (Let’s sing I don’t care til the sun rises) LOVE YOUR CONTENT TOO. Keep spreading bookdragon fire! 💙💚💛💜


  12. Happy blogging anniversary! I loved your list of things you’ve learnt, I think the one about only posting reviews for books you loved and felt passionate about is a very good point and I need to live by that one a bit more!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Happy anniversary, fellow book dragon! 😀 The tips are so very very true and it’s lovely to read them!

    Also, I agree. The moniker book dragons or dragonesses are better than book worms mwahaha!


  14. Congratulations on this milestone, love! I genuinely am so thankful that you started your book blog and came into my life because you are such a damn blessing in the community! I am really honored to be able to call you my friend, fierce dragon.

    I love all the lessons that you shared, especially on taking breaks. I know I struggled with needing to take some time off but also with not wanting to “fail” or lose traction with my blog. Which was ridiculous. Sure, my hiatus caused a dip in views but it still grew and still got traffic. I came back refreshed and focused, and with a more healthy attitude to my need for a vacation.


    1. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TOO, KAL! i’m so lucky to have a friend like youuu *sobs*

      Taking breaks is very important. I’m starting to appreciate the idea of resting especially when I’m in a slump or I just need to take a break from everything. Giving time to yourself is absolutely valid 💖

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Congrats on your first completed year blogging! You learned so many wonderful things that I feel it took me years to learn (like, it being okay to take a break, for example). I am really excited to read more of your posts and hopefully to get interact with you more in the next year! 😀


  16. happy (belated) blogversary, Rain! I totally relate, somehow my parents always know even before I tell them that I’ve started writing fanfiction / writing a novel / blogging / etc, it’s lowkey terrifying but also they’re pretty supportive – and I agree, blogger friends are too 💕 taking care of yourself and your academics is definitely important, your stats will recover if you take a break but it’s much harder to bring your GPA back up (no pressure though, as long as you do your best that’s enough!).

    all of these are such important things to keep in mind, thank you for consolidating and sharing them! and I look forward to seeing your blog redesign and the (definitely awesome) posts you have in store!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The blogging redesign is still… on the rocks. I’m hoping to finish it soon but I don’t have a proper internet connection so the situation is quite tragic right now.

      I’m happy that my family is so supportive of my blog though I’m still conscious when they tell me they want to read some of my posts 😂

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